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Graphical Models and Exponential Families
- Authors
- Name
- Dr. Dmitrij Sitenko
- Mathematical Image Processing at Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg
Table of Contents
Exponential families provide an elegant mathematical framework for analyzing a wide range of graphical models, particularly through the lens of convex optimization. These models are characterized by their ability to represent probability distributions in exponential form. Specifically, an exponential family distribution can be written as:
Here is called the log partition functions , and the goal in many cases is to estimate the parameter given a dataset our goal is now to determine a parameter . Instead of performing the parameter inference via maximum likeleedhood estimation objective
we proceed differently and search for a parameter by matching expactation under some distribution to empirical moments of the data
Examples of such moments are the empirical mean and variance . The key intuition behind this concept is that the inference task within a parameter space is underdetermined in the sense that there exists a vast number of parameters satisfying this property. This raises the quastion of how to choose the perfekt parameter between them ? From the statistical perspective we could go for the parameter that parametrizes a distribution which is the most less informative, i.e. does not has any bias towards any assumption except the observed data (no priors are known). In mathematical terms we seek for that fulfills the principle of optimality as a distribution with highest entropy (maximal uncertainty)
It turns out that each distributions with the highest entropy can be represented in exponential form for some belonging to a convex set
Depending on the properties of the set we differ the following classes of exponential families
- Regular representation: is assumed to an open set
- Minimal representation: If there is no nonzero vector such that the linear combination
in not a contant. In other words, we want a unique representation of the underlying family.
- Overcomplete representation: In cotranst to minimal representation we want the opposite and want an representation for which there exists nonzero with beeing a constant function. An important subclass here is characterized for sufficient statistic for which the moments (1) coincides with the underlying marginals of the distribution .
Graphical Models as Exponential Families
We now consider a deeper connection between graphical models and exponential families by a bunch of examples:
Ising Model: Given a graph where each node is random variable of some underlying Bernoulli distribution where the edge set encodes the interaction of two neighbouring variables on the graph described. The correspodning graphical model can be represented in terms of a factor graph with compatibility function
In order to arrive at the exponential representation using it follows
where the Ising Model is given by choosing lineaer interaction and
Due to the finite sum and due to
which is only the case if all are zero this is a regualr exponential and a minimal exponential familiy
- Todo Potts Models, Metric Labeling
- Gaussian Markov Random Fields* are a special type of undirected graphical model where the nodes represent random variables that follow a multivariate normal (Gaussian) distribution, and the conditional independence structure is encoded by a graph
The data is generated by the multivariate distribution with parameters
where is a dense covariance matrix. The correspodning exponential family is obtained by
with sufficient statistic given by where now due to the Hemmersley-Clifford-Theorem the matrix is the negative of the precision matrix which sparsity reflects the graph strucutre.